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Susan Entwistle is one of the few pointillist painters practising their art. Her unique style of painting is created with layers of colourful dots to capture the vibrancy and essence of beautiful gardens, woodlands and landscapes.

She has received several client commissions throughout her career including from the Principality of Monaco to paint the gold medal winning Monaco show garden at the RHS Chelsea flower show. Susan presented the painting to HSH Prince Albert of Monaco in the Princesse Grace Theatre in Monaco, which is now in his personal collection.

She continues to paint for collectors worldwide with her love of beautiful gardens and landscapes in her unique pointillist style.

Her work has sprung out of the nostalgia of a childhood that was so often centred on the garden and the natural landscape around her. ‘This love of the beauty of nature continues in the theme of my paintings. With a background in textile design this has influenced and shaped the style I paint in. Colour is all important in my work and I create the painting by building layers of coloured dots and marks using acrylic paints instead of threads to emulate a tapestry-like impression of my subject.

The subject matter I am almost inevitably drawn towards is the natural environment, whether it is a landscape of woodland, a park or garden, or the trees and flowers within those landscapes. I believe my paintings reflect this love and can take a little part of nature and the garden into someone’s space along with all their own nostalgic memories.'

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